Sunday, March 2, 2008

Through the years..

"Ni ape kes ade Power Rangers pulak nih..??" Must be quite startling to see these multi-colored superheroes eh? Don’t know what got into me that I was so enthused with finding their classic theme song and made the simple collage below :D Guess I was struck with reminiscing my childhood favorites (The MMPR series first aired in 1993!) after coming across the "..if you were born in the 80's in Singapore" group at Facebook. Splendid!

It’s hard not to let out a smile when you could easily identify with Lots of familiar pictures & descriptions being put up there one after another. Be it the little knickknacks or tidbits like a pack of mamee monster and Ding Dang chocolate biscuits with its free toy that I would always excitedly look forward to uncover, it’s a comforting thought to remember how one may be easily contented with the simple things in life as seen from a child’s angle. Definitely evokes a sentimental longing & tender emotions inside. Aaah~ sweet memories are best kept safe and recalled once more. :))


As the younger years left us behind in flashbacks and echoes of innocence, we've grown to realize that the life we would have to face is not all merriment and laughter, but of one that is continuously tested to grow in maturity and ripen with increasing strength. And with this comes the challenge that would hold a person accountable for the time and gifts he's bestowed with, while he moves on into a larger world of possibilities. Things become tougher down the road – that even to confront one's own emotions may need courage to sail through.

As I write this I'm reminded of Cikgu Surya Kenchana’s advice to my friends and I that day, in which Courage is not about the absence of fear – but of how we actually manage it. True enough, I thought. More so when during these times we’d have to deal with fear of failures and making blunders; of moving on and learning to forgive oneself for it’s all too easy to be deeply troubled when past mistakes come haunting. Ouch. This point I would really have to learn – for it’s somehow much much easier for me to forgive others than being easy on myself. Should relax down a bit on the self-criticism part. Hehe. One step at a time, Diy. One step at a time.. insyaAllah :)

"A man may have failed many times, but he isn't a failure till he gives up."


Photo credits to Ashting, Shutterblog and Ferran

It was really terrifying when I was first shown this actual footage of people committing suicide by jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, California. Astarghfirullah… I became quite giddy as soon as the man hit the water’s surface. Guess I was too stunned seeing death right on screen, what more with him being a man in his 50’s and probably someone’s very much depressed father needing help and solace.. :(

"Allah is the Protecting Friend of those who have faith:
from the depths of darkness He will lead them forth into light." - (Surah al-Baqarah, 2: 257)

For me to watch this, it's very sad to know what a person might wrongly do should they mistakenly lose all hopes in life and plunge into despair when the burden felt too much to endure. But how fortunate we truly are to have our Sole Sustainer and Most Merciful forever near, for us to find the most trustworthy support in Him.. For when things become unbearable, turn to Allah. Yakinlah dengan Allah. Have hope in His promise of a good life rewarded for the believers and those who remain patient. InsyaAllah there’ll be a continuous source which shall ease the pain, comfort the heart and give the strength to move on. Ameen.. :))

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