Monday, December 24, 2007

Anna Althafunnisa <3

Gadis itu berjalan dengan hati berselimut cinta. Hatinya berbunga-bunga. Siang itu, Cairo ia rasakan tidak seperti biasanya. Musim dingin yang sejuk, matahari yang ramah, serta senyum dari Profesor Amani saat memberinya ucapan selamat dan doa barakah. Semua melukiskan suasana indah yang belum pernah ia rasakan sebelumnya. Ia merasakan begitu dalam rahmat dan kasih sayang Allah kepadanya. Kedua matanya basah oleh airmata haru dan bahagia.

Sesungguhnya yang membuat dia menangis tidaklah semata-mata rasa bahagia kerana proposal tesisnya diterima dalam waktu begitu singkatnya, sementara ada mahasiswi yang sudah dua kali mengajukan proposal tesis dan telah menunggu setahun tapi belum juga diterima. Namun yang membuatnya menangis, kerana ia teringat, bahawa yang dirasakannya barulah kebahagiaan duniawi, bukan ukhrawi.


Begitu bahagianya ia, ketika jerih payahnya, kerja kerasnya memerah otak, tungkus-lumusnya ke perpustakaan Shalah Kamil, membuka dan menganalisis ratusan rujukan, akhirnya membuahkan hasil yang melegakan jiwa. Begitu bahagianya hatinya saat diberi ucapan selamat oleh Profesor Amani, Guru Besar Ushul Fiqh yang sangat dicintai para mahasiswinya itu. Benarlah kata pepatah, siapa menanam, dia menuai.

"Selamat, anakku, semoga umurmu penuh barakah, ilmumu bermanfaat. Teruslah belajar dan belajar!" Air matanya kembali mengalir. Ia lalu berkata pada diri sendiri, lantas seperti apakah rasanya ketika nanti di hari akhir seseorang mengetahui amalnya diterima Allah. Ia menerima catatan amalnya dengan tangan kanan. Dan mendapatkan ucapan selamat dari Allah, dari Baginda Nabi, dari malaikat penjaga syurga, dan dari seluruh malaikat, para nabi dan orang-orang soleh. Saat syurga menjadi tempat tinggal selama-lamanya. Kebahagiaan semacam apakah yang dirasa?

Ia melangkah. Matanya basah: "Rabbana taqabbal minna innaka antas sami’ul ’aliim. Tuhan terimalah amal kami, sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Mendengar lagi Maha Mengetahui." Lirihnya dalam hati, sambil menghayati dengan sepenuh jiwa bahawa tiada prestasi yang lebih tinggi dan diterimanya amal soleh oleh Allah dan dibalas dengan keredhaanNya...

~ Petikan dari "Ketika Cinta Bertasbih", karya Habiburrahman El-Shirazy

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Of dreams and Cairo

It is interesting how dreams could sometimes come with startling storylines. Of how suddenly you may even see your own family and friends inside, appearing in often a mixture of real and imaginary characters and places. Although that very fact could actually be scary if you ask me. ‘Cos if I did experience having familiar faces emerging inside my own, chances are I might (unknowingly) surfaced inside others too? *Oh dear..* >_<

Just as how there was this one incident 3 years back as my friends and I were in class mugging for the O-levels, when out of the blue Hannah exclaimed, “Diyana!! I actually dreamt that you were already someone’s fiancĂ©e last night!” A whattt?? Mak uihh siangnye :P But we had a good laugh over it. Hehe. So yeah.. just hope there’s no bad stuffs whatsoever, only nice ones if we do appear in other’s sleep eh? Ameen ameen~


Talking about this.. just recently a stranger with a songkok did turn up in mine. No face I could recall of, but surprisingly his name did last in my mind till now. Sunardi, it was. Yes, probably Indonesian. :D What made it so striking was perhaps because his character was really gentlemanly; what with his gentle voice and calm persona, concerned enough to stop by and ask nicely if I needed any help after my fall right in front of Causeway Point >_< Aisey.. What an encounter. Then just when I entered a bus and turned around, the doors closed before he could even manage to get inside. Now, why was I feeling sad when the bus took me far far away? ‘Cos maybe.. such a feeling rarely settles inside, it’s a lil saddening when it’s taken away, even if it’s only a dream? O_o Hmmm…

Oh cut it out now diy. Heh. =P But but! I thought someone by that name didn’t actually exist, but a quick google search (was all enthusiastic to try) eventually led me to this picture of a Pak Ahmad Sunardi, an Indonesian Maestro in Keroncong Music. Waaah! hehe :D Guess maybe too much of reading novels in Bahasa Indonesia had put an effect on me since my last infatuation with Pak Habiburrahman El-Shirazy’s “Ketika Cinta Bertasbih”.


El-Sultan Hassan Mosque and El-Refai Mosque, Cairo – Egypt by Muhammad Eissa

Set in a similar scenario of Al-Azhar university students just like in his previous novel “Ayat-Ayat Cinta”, what’s amazing is that not only were there one main narrator in the story, but there are nearly 5 lead characters telling their own accounts interchangeably which I personally found them very much inspirational. Khairul Azzam, Fadhil, Anna Althafunnisa, Furqan & Cut Malahayati.. it’s hard not to be moved by their endearing qualities as good Muslims and full of youthful drive and aspirations! Am definitely much enthused just by reading those very passages. Kept a collection of their quotes safe for future remembrance too (:

I like the fact that through encountering good reads such as this one, do prompt me to go into introspection stage more frequently and take a fresh viewpoint to revive oneself. Reminding of life’s true purpose, back to consciousness, onward to full strength. Now I’m all the more of a determined idealist, wouldn’t mind seeing myself as someone independent who’s willing to strive hard for what she believes ought to fight for. Alhamdulillah, nothing’s futile (at this moment) like matters of love are clouding my head. Allah knows best when that one will come at just the appropriate time. But true enough, I’ll need to go through this one step at a time, learn as much as I go on ahead, and try to live life as how it should best be. May Allah ease the path..

Saturday, December 22, 2007

The Heart's Longing

"Oh dear.. they’re scheduled at night.."
Saddens me really when the search finally bears fruit, but only to find that the classes mostly start at 8pm, on the eastern side of Singapore. Adeih. Guess I’ll have to let them go – even though the heart is sooo intent on joining along. Lest I would risk coming home close to midnight after the return journey for a west-side resider like me. Hmm. Not quite appropriate for a sister ain’t it. Not to mention the safety issue if one’s alone too =|

But then again, it’s understandable why it may be arranged that way. To be more feasible for working adults could be one thing. So.. what’s best for majority insyaAllah I could still accept that fact; although I would have to try explore others that can nicely fit into my curfew time – to be home latest by 9 :D So keep on searching diy~ Hope I’ll find them!


Time and again I do wonder how it feels like to get to attend an Usrah once in a while. The thought of having a close-knitted group of sisters, bounded strong by one heartfelt purpose, to mutually support and be reminded of Allah, always. :) With much encouragement and caring words, with the sincere sisterly love that blooms throughout and definitely the insightful sharings.. subhanAllah! Wouldn’t That be a nice soul-filling session~

Because seriously, for a 9-to-5 poly life here followed by a daily essay assignment taking up till late night, it’ll not be long before a pang of yearning could soon hit one hard. For yours truly, that would be the momentary lapse of heartache, signaling a need for respite from all things tying me down. The worldly issues, the tiredness.. It just makes me longing for faith-enriching Islamic inputs all the more from madrasah days. =( And makes me think of the time I have in hand too…


Stunning beauty... An Islamic architecture mosaic by Monika N.

Ahaa here's a good news! There’s now a recently launched which truly could help seekers in the knowledge pursuit too. "A brainchild of three NUS undergraduates, it promises to deliver complete information only about Islamic events that's happening in Singapore, all in one portal." Comes complete with email notifications for those who subscribe to the free mailing list as well! Alhamdulillah. May Allah bless them well for the hard work they’ve put in. :)

Oh yes! Other alternatives could also include newfound audio recordings by Abu ‘Ammar ibn Ibrahim from some of the Asatizah I love listening to! Simply plug in to those mp3 players/handphones and you can learn on the go.. Includes those by Dr. Mohd Asri bin Zainul Abidin, Ustaz Hasrizal Abdul Jamil, Ustaz Maszlee Malik, Dr. Juanda Jaya and Ustaz Zahazan Mohamed. Best!~ ^_^

So should the chance to attend classes haven't come knocking yet, fret not aite? We could still fill up the time with whatever ways possible in the meanwhile insyaAllah.. *reminds self hehe* Have a blessed learning journey ahead! =)

"Seek knowledge, because seeking it for the sake of Allah is worship. And knowing it makes you more God-fearing; and searching for it is jihad, teaching it to those who do not know is charity, reviewing and learning it more is like tasbeeh..." [Fatawa Ibn Taymiyyah vol.10, p.39]

Friday, December 21, 2007

Back Again .. for now

*Sound of footsteps; Diy slowly enters*

Assalamu 'alaina wa 'ala 'ibadillahi as-soliheen! Big Smile Waduh.. dah berbulan-bulan terbiar benor tempat ni. Hmm. Shifting back to writing mode just feels a lil bit different. Well, perhaps this might just take time getting used to it again yeah Diy? Gets rusty here somewhere from the lack of use.. :P

Though being busy (very busy at that) is the most common reason one could simply use not to blog, somehow it's hard not to deny that leaving this space for a while did bring some relief to the mounting priorities. But still, alhamdulillah, life's a bliss & a constant strive at the moment. Am grateful that now I could finally allow myself some time to update after finishing a 7000-word final year project report. Thank You Allah! ^_^

For a start, I guess a splash of colors and pictures would do good to liven up the mood here abit. What with graduation looming really near ahead in just about 2 months, here goes a couple of snapshots since Ramadhan till Syawal with my RP Malay Cultural Group friends.. One thing similar – all went traditional in Baju Kurong! yayy~ :D In chronological order: MCG Iftar, Exco Photoshoot for RP Open House, MCG Hari Raya Celebration and lastly the 'Eid Visiting itself with my exco dearies.. Ooh these would surely bring fond memories in the future. Smile





Friday, July 6, 2007

Of Parenthood..

"Akak akak! A mother-to-be over there!"
Can't help myself but to nudge2 my sister Nadiah when we passed by a pregnant lady on our way. And the same thing happens when it comes to seeing babies with pinchable cheeks! Eyes fixed in delight for a few seconds watching them. Hehe… Guess most ladies do share such similar sentiments. Come to think of it, little girls have always been given baby dolls for their playtime too.. a nurturing instinct that comes naturally since young? I believe so.. ((:

And just as I was waiting at the bus-stop the other day, a Muslimah came with a baby stroller and another hand holding her toddler securely. And as usual, liking to secretly observe how young mothers care for their children, I then started to notice something quite different. The mother seemed to be communicating with both her 4 year-old daughter and infant mostly with facial expressions and soft hand gestures, but of course never lacking in showing her tenderness and affection. And as we board the same bus, later did I realize that she was actually hearing-impaired and wasn't able to speak. masyaAllah… my heart really quivered at that point of time.. am definitely struck amazed with her strength of motherhood! Heart was touched deeply indeed.. ^_^

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The incident did set me thinking on how the mother teaches and guides her children.. sure would be inspiring to be able to know them. (: 'Cos I do recognize how challenging the task is even for normal parents. Imagine the power of our very actions to greatly influence the little ones' upbringing! Definitely a big responsibility that comes with the bundle of happiness. Ya Allah.. I could never thank You enough for blessing me with my two wonderful parents. Raising three daughters with abundance of care and protection, helping us to grow in a much supportive Islamic setting and understanding.. It's beyond my imagination how they manage to do it for all these years. And seeing the video below till the end moved me strongly to tears.. and strengthen my love for them even more.. :') Dear Allah.. Do guide me to follow well in their footsteps..

P/S: Suddenly thought of some names like Zayd Hamzah & Faiz Husni, Farah Murshidah & Sarah Sakeenah for twin baby boys and girls.. Wheee~ Heheh =D 

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Poem: My Way Back

There was a young girl, she loved Allah.
She didn't know why, just how much.
She talked to Him when she was lonely,
Knowing He was the One and Only.

She thought of Allah as her best Friend,
And knew He'd listen until The End.
She wanted to please Him and do what's right,
and be surrounded by His light.

But as this bud grew into a flower,
She realized people too have power.
Power to cloud your way of thinking,
And soon she felt her Iman sinking.

Although on the outside she went along,
On the inside she was still strong.
She knew Allah was just waiting,
For the right time for her awakening..

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Alhamdulillah, the love for Him was always there.
Although it was in need of repair.
One day she decided to make her Hajj.
And make Allah her only Judge.

So a New Muslim she became,
And again began to praise His name.

I thank Allah from the bottom of my heart,
And thank the Teacher that gave me my new start.
May Allah bless you, you know who you are.
You have my Dua, whether I'm near or far.

"Ya Allah, keep me on the straight path,
And not the way that earns Your wrath.
Forgive me for the mistakes I've made,
Let me walk with patience, on the path You've laid.
Help keep my intention to please only You.
And keep my Iman as it was, when I was new."

~ by Ameena Ansari, USA

from [ Click here for more ] Smile

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

The Changemakers

If the word "creativity" is ever mentioned, I must say that one of the first things which pop up in my head would be to associate it with designers and businessmen. Although of course, others who are not in this line no doubt possess such a powerful trait too! But seeing the works of the two professions above could leave me gaping in awe. "How did they do that??" Wow… I wonder what inventive ideas are brewing inside them. Big Smile

I once found a book sitting nicely at the library's bookshelf, of which the title Social Entrepreneurship and Changemakers did grab my attention there. Sigh. Too bad my account's already full then so didn't manage to borrow a copy. But the keywords did make me go on a speedy google search with loads of references to look into. Hmmm. Very Interesting~ Wikipedia reads, "A social entrepreneur is someone who recognizes a social problem and uses entrepreneurial principles to organize, create, and manage a venture to make social change." Simply said, a pioneer of innovation benefiting humanity! Really quite a big leap of effort to undertake yeh? But reading up on extraordinary figures who succeeded in making a large-scale positive impact on people, it just leaves me all the more inspired by the second. (:

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Suddenly recalled a speech by Bro Helmy Isa from FMSA during an Exco Leadership Camp here at RP.. Reminding on the responsibility that lies on our shoulders to help the society. Very moving masyaAllah! Really hope I could attend more of his talks if there's any. Best! ^_^ And a publication by the local Muslim Trust Fund Association from June 2006 also notes of the increasingly high number of those who require our assistance and thoughtful actions..

Jumlah pemohon yang datang untuk mendapatkan bantuan kewangan semakin bertambah setiap hari. Jika biasanya mereka yang dibantu itu ialah golongan fakir dan miskin, orang-orang tua yang uzur, cacat anggota dan sebagainya tetapi apa yang dihadapi MTFA hari ini ialah ibu-ibu muda dan ibu-ibu tunggal yang bermasalah. Kebanyakan masalah yang dihadapi oleh ibu-ibu tersebut itu ialah masalah menyara hidup seharian akibat perceraian atau suami mereka yang masih muda dan tidak mempunyai pekerjaan tetap.
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Wondering what the 8 icons above signify? Those are actually the Millennium Development Goals put together during a United Nations Millennium Summit back in 2000, of a pledge to work together to make a better world for all by 2015. Clicking on the individual icons on its webpage do give a good highlight on some of the worrying issues there are now. Like for example, Goal 1: Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger...

"Imagine: Waking up each morning without enough food to eat, without clean water to drink, without health care or a home. Fact: More than 1 billion people live on less than $1 a day."

How truly lucky we are not to be under such situations. But this calls for our much needed service in lending a hand too yeh? Nevermind if the action begins small; 'cos it still is a valuable deed in the eyes of Allah. =) Joining hands with others who have the same passion does magnify the strength too! As one of the youth organisations here focusing on humanitarian efforts, Nur Ikhwan certainly is a noteworthy team that you may want to consider joining for a start ;)

And how amazing it really felt seeing the huge number of sisters and brothers from different youth groups and student societies across Singapore, coming together in a single event to assist in volunteering for Saff Perdaus' Ramadhan Rocks last year. Knowing that the hearts are fixed on a sole mission, prayers built on longing and working hard for Allah's mercy together on those days of Ramadhan, it was definitely a memorable experience that still remains intact with me.. :))

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Big plans, big hopes, may Allah guide us through.. Smile

"For Muslim men and women, for believing men and women, for devout men and women,
for true men and women, for men and women who are patient and constant, for men and women
who humble themselves, for men and women who give in Charity, for men and women who fast,
for men and women who guard their chastity, and for men and women who engage much in Allah's praise,
for them has Allah prepared forgiveness and great reward."

~ Surah Al-Ahzab, verse 35

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

The Growing Up years...

It puzzles me sometimes when people tried to guess my age. 'Cos the response which I get varied greatly. Most said I look 20-ish, an uncle thought I was 23, and by far one of the most shocking was when an Insurance Agent suddenly stopped me in my tracks while walking at Jurong East Interchange, asking how many children have I already had. Adoii. First question pulak tuh. -____- "Hmm.. U sure you're 19 Diy?" "Oh yes I am!" Big Smile

Hehe. Okay never mind all that. Guess still being a child-at-heart doesn't go in line with how I may portray myself outside. =P Anyways, last Thursday Ibu brought us three sisters and dear younger cousin Faiqah to IMM for a few rounds of window-shopping and the actual spree for stocking kitchen foodstuff at Giant superstore. And my oh my… It's been a long time since I last get a plushie for free! And a super adorable one at that! Thank you so much Ibu… <3 ^_^ Didn't usually buy soft toys on a regular basis, perhaps once in a while only those which really catch my eye like these palm-sized Superman and Spiderman Mashi Maro. Ahh.. uber cute. How nice if I could one day transform them into a Pendekar in Silat attire / apple green baju kurong / or an Arabian warrior complete with a white & gold suit and turban. =P

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On a different note, the thought of orphans sprung to mind when my friend 'Arafah mentioned about this in her blog. Recently came across an Islamic Relief website too on the subject of sponsoring one (there's a total of 20,000 orphans in 21 countries worldwide currently under the program) [Click Here]. And browsing through Darul Ihsan's and Darul Ma'wa's homepage instantly made me wonder of how the growing up years may be for them.. Going through different experiences, seeing life through the eyes of a child.. masyaAllah. Truly a humbling account in teaching one's heart to be more compassionate and grateful. Pondered for a while on how we could possibly render our help for them.. with continuous support to look after their emotional and spiritual needs being part of it, a twice a month visit at least for a start? wAllahu'alam. Definitely in need of a better plan. Hope the precious young souls are safe in Allah's care right now.. ameen ya Rahman.

But one thing for sure, I do applaud the initiatives run by the local organizations here in taking care of the children's welfare. Darul Ihsan for example, operates two separate orphanages for housing boys and girls, while having an educational financial aid scheme where orphans not staying at the orphanage receive monthly financial assistance. Alhamdulillah.. May Allah places the generous souls among those who receive His Forgiveness and Mercy in this world and the hereafter.. Let's try to do our part too ye? InsyaAllah. =))

The Prophet (may peace be upon him) said:

"I and the person who looks after an orphan will be in Paradise together like this..." - then he raised his forefinger and middle finger together. (Hadith Bukhari)

Monday, July 2, 2007

Novel Pilihan: PPC

Sedang mendengar: Kupinang engkau dengan Al-Quran - Gradasi

"Kuakui ada satu nama yang membuatku selalu bergetar bila mendengarnya, namun tak lebih dari itu. Aku tidak pernah berusaha merindukannya. Dan tak akan pernah kuizinkan diriku merindukannya. Karena aku merasa itu sia-sia. Aku tak mau melakukan hal yang sia-sia dan membuang tenaga. Aku lebih memilih mencurah seluruh rindu dendam, haru biru rindu dan deru cintaku untuk belajar dan mendekati Al-Qur'an..." ~ Fahri bin Abdullah Shiddiq

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket MasyaAllah. Tiap kali novel Habiburrahman El-Shirazy dapat ana capai dan nikmati dengan penuh debar, pasti kesan yang ditinggalkan ialah rasa yang cukup membahagiakan sekali! Kisahnya selalu aja membuat pembaca ingin terus perbaiki diri lagi. Tambahan pula dengan hero dan heroine-nya mukmin yang soleh dan solehah.. aduh. Andai hati ini bisa cair, pasti laju ia mengalir~ hehe Tongue

Pudarnya Pesona Cleopatra (PPC) ada mengandungi 2 mini novel - PPC dan Setitis Embun Cinta Niyala. Dua2 tak kurang hebatnya! Dan kalau dahulunya dalam buku Ayat-Ayat Cinta ada watak utama Fahri, yang ini ditampilkan pula Muhammad Faiq bin Saiful Anam dalam cerita yang kedua. Dan persamaan yang dapat ana lihat di dalam hero2 Pak Habiburrahman ialah, hati mereka sungguh dekat dengan al-Quran.. Mengagumkan! =)

Terngiang-ngiang ungkapan dari PPC di fikiran ana.. "Di zaman moden seperti ini, mencari gadis solehah lebih susah daripada mencari perempuan cantik." Allahu Akbar. Sisters tersayang, sama2 kita usahakan untuk terus men"solehah"kan diri ye? Bukan sekadar untuk memiliki pasangan yang soleh, namun yang terpenting untuk mendapatkan cinta Tuhan selamanya.. ameen insyaAllah. Smile

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"Jam loceng di kamarnya berdering kuat. Lalu mati. Dia mendengar suara derit pintu. Lalu kecipak air. Ia menatap jam dinding. Pukul tiga. Tidak lama kemudian, dia mendengar suara alunan ayat-ayat suci al-Quran. Suara itu begitu jernih, fasih, tartil dan indah. Menyentuh hati siapa yang mendengarnya. Setelah empat tahun abangnya berada di Mesir, semakin indah bacaan al-Qurannya. Ah, abang Faiq, dalam keadaan letih dari perjalanan yang jauh, masih juga bangun tengah malam. Alangkah bahagianya siapa yang menjadi isterimu. Setiap malam boleh solat tahajjud bersama. Menangis bersama di hadapan Allah. Lalu anak-anakmu sesekali diajak ikut serta. Rumahmu penuh cahaya Qurani. Baunya harum wangi kasturi. Alangkah indahnya..." ~ Setitis Embun Cinta Niyala

Ya Allah.. hati ini ku cuba 'tuk menutup dengan rapat, agar ia tidak terpaut pada sesiapa dengan mudahnya.. namun kurniakanlah rasa sayang di dalamnya hanya tika waktu dan pilihan yang Engkau tetapkan, ialah yang terbaik buatku suatu saat nanti..

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Untukmu wanita..

"Wipe away your tears, think well of your Lord, and chase away your worries by remembering the blessings that Allah has bestowed upon you..

Do not think that this world is ever perfect for anyone. There is no one on the face of the earth who gets all that he wants or is free from all kinds of distress..

Extinguish the flames of hatred from your heart, by forgiving everyone who has ever hurt you..

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Daisies just look real sweeet~ ^_^

With your beauty, you are better than the sun; with your morals you are more sublime than musk; with your modesty you are nobler than the full moon; with your compassion you are more beneficial than rain. So, preserve your beauty with faith, your tranquility with contentment, your chastity with hijab.

Remember that your adornment is not gold, silver or diamonds, rather, it is your prayers, going thirsty when you fast for Allah, concealed charity which no one knows except Him, hot tears that wash away sin, a lengthy prostration born of utter submission to Allah, shyness before Allah when the inclination to do evil overwhelms you. Clothe yourself with the garments of taqwa (piety) for you are the most beautiful woman in the world even if your clothes are shabby.. "

~ Dr. 'Aidh bin Abdullah al-Qarni

Monday, June 18, 2007

Sad to say goodbye…

Listening to: You're the Inspiration – Chicago

It's sure is hard. To meet and part. Will surely miss seeing Miss Florence Cai and Mr John Low after they leave RP soon.. two of my most wonderful facilitators cum FYP supervisors here. Very nice people really.. Miss Cai with her ever sweet self and generous with her sharing of knowledge, and Mr Low who never fails to make us pleased with his amusing wittiness yet very articulate with his insights.

Do enjoy coming for her Genetics and Medical Technology classes a year back.. and both been guiding us well with our project through the first moments. Still remember the time when she bought a packaged halal Yu Sheng delicacy during Chinese New Year for us students to get a taste of it. Real thoughtful~ ^_^ 

And a final meet just now was very inspirational too. Encouraging words of advice as a parting note definitely. Both spurred us on to continue improving ourselves, gave tips on applying for universities & scholarships.. and no doubt those must-have group pictures together. Farewell & take care Sensei! Wish you all the best!  Smile

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Some last words from Miss Cai to all of us… A special email that I'll definitely keep for memories. Smile

"Do remember that in life, there will be always ups and downs… there will also always be times where you are in situations that you have no control over… just do your best so that you will not have any regrets later in life. Remember… there will always be light at the end of the tunnel… so do have faith that when things look gloomy at present… it will turn out well eventually.

Believe in it and it will be so. All of you have got potential to do really well in life! Do identify which areas you would like to proceed on in life and strive towards your goals. :) Do think through your decisions and make sound decisions, be it big decisions that will impact your life directly or even smaller decisions such as contributing in class and all. I wish all of you...

All the best in all you do!
May your journey of learning in life be a fruitful and exciting one!
Take care and God Bless!"

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Al-fauz was sa'adah~

It's nice seeing the very first designs of graduation robes from the different polytechnics.. and when the seniors adorn them dashingly, eyes glistening bright with delight and fulfillment.. Best wishes to all fresh graduates! =)

Am moved by the merry mood too it seems. Thus the simple collage created below after getting abit enthusiastic there looking at the robes from their websites. Nanyang Poly looks the nicest yeh? ^_^ And I think for some others, the person who wears it is the one who makes the robe looks nice. hehe Tongue

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Syukur alhamdulillah, the much loved family were all there to witness Kak Nadiah walking calmly onstage to receive the scroll at her Ngee Ann Polytechnic. And it's really touching too seeing Ayah and Ibu holding back the tears.. Couldn't stop myself from beaming ever so widely. Am very very happy and proud of you, my dearest ukhti.. Definitely a moment to remember. Smile

And may Allah reward you well Along for being there with us and kindly taking the family picture! The photographer of the day! =D As quoted from Kak Nadiah: "It's a story of the faraway sisters and their long lost big brother. Truly an Along to us in the highest regard. He's like our brother by blood although we're not siblings at all."  =)

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Friday, June 15, 2007

Update on the Ummah

Listening to: Life in the Territories - The Arab Legion

Hmmm. Reading Sis Liyana's entry on her experience from attending the Trainer Da'wah and Course Dialogue workshop in her semester 2 at International Islamic University Malaysia, reallly puts me in a wishful state now. I want to be there too.. huhu. >_< Could imagine the great joy brewing in me with all the knowledge-filled discussions on Islam going around.. And the delight from meeting new Muslim sisters and brothers from different walks of life. How amazing could that be?

Reminds me of the Muslim Youth Intelligentsia Series reading circles and seminars by NUS Muslim Society and Young AMP I once had the chance to go to last year. Deeply miss all the sharings and lecture notes for the readings definitely.. =( Dear Allah hope there'll be such wonderful sessions in the near future..

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Meanwhile, a speaker I heard over the radio at alerted me when he readily pointed something about being attentive. The direct translation for that in Malay could also be "Berikan Perhatian" such as when a Teacher told her students to pay attention. And this is not merely hearing and looking into the subject matter, but to listen carefully and ponder upon it well with one's heart and mind (As the word PerHatian has a Hati = Heart in it ). Interesting eh? Smile

And to be concerned and continuosly update oneself on the current status of the Ummah, comes under the need to be attentive as well, he said. For to be concerned it shows that we care, and caring is but a sign of love; a deep sense of endearing attachment among the believers around the world..

"No two men love one another, but the better of them is the one whose love for his brother is greater." [Reported by Bukhari in al-Adab al-Mufrad]

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And another note of interest, there's going to be the International Islamic Fair 2007 at Putra World Trade Centre KL this coming 27th to 29th July! Nak giiii.. tapi cuti dabes. >_< The conference looks promising too.. Centred on the theme of Peace & Unity. Session 1: Update on the Ummah. Session 2: Business, Economy & Finance. Session 3: Human Relation, Media & Global Peace. Session 4: Community, Arts & Education.

Especially like to know the Session 1 topics in question. But seeing that I (sadly) couldn't be there.. guess the titles still help to guide me in exploring the issues. Will post the links to the findings here if I come across any, insyaAllah. Smile

Monday, June 11, 2007

Namanya Fahri, Fahri bin Abdullah Shiddiq (:

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketDan.. cinta terasa ada. Bukan seperti yang selalu sahaja terjadi, dalam hubungan kekasih muda berpacar-pacaran. Tiada bersentuhan tangan, tiada berdua-duaan.. Sungguh malang andai ikatan yang seharusnya murni itu justeru menyebabkan terjadinya maksiat kecil mahupun besar..

Namun di sisi Fahri, terbit ketulusan dan kesungguhan untuk mempertahankan cinta suci di dunia dan akhirat. Begitu indah dan penuh barakah. Menikah – itulah jalannya. Kerna insan beriman yang benar-benar menjaga kesucian cinta itu, dari saat mula hingga akhir, dialah yang akan dapat merasakan kenikmatan luar biasa dari sebuah pernikahan. Sedalam-dalam kasih penuh keredhaan Tuhan. Dan itulah kiranya cinta sejati yang kita semua dambakan ((:

SubhanAllah. Tidak pernah ana rasakan seperti ini. Dalam kagum dan terpesona, terhadap seorang watak dalam novel! :D Aduh... Gimana nih? Hehe. Tapi memang benar, dengan peribadi yang sebegitu soleh dan cukup indah sekali, dengan tutur bahasanya yang halus dan kedekatannya dengan Al-Quran, jelas tidak menghairankan andai Fahri disayangi sehingga 4 gadis! Siapapun bisa terpaut hati.. betul tak bedek! Kak Nadiah pun sama. Hehe! Big Smile

Note: Klik untuk download novel Ayat-ayat Cinta dalam file pdf ye! Tapi mungkin ianya dalam bahasa asal Indonesia. Yang ana baca kelmarin dalam versi Bahasa Melayu.

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Dan ciri-ciri yang Aisyah isterinya inginkan best jugak sebagai panduan: Suami yang sepenuh hati mencintainya, menjadikan dirinya satu-satunya isterinya, setia dalam suka dan duka, perhatian pada keluarga, dan tidak melalaikan tugas berjuang di jalan Allah. =)

Namamu tak terukir
Dalam catitan harianku
Asal usulmu tak hadir
Dalam diskusi kehidupanku
Wajah wujudmu tak terlukis
Dalam sketsa mimpi-mimpiku
Indah suaramu tak terakam
Dalam pita batinku
Namun kau hidup mengaliri
Pori-pori cinta dan semangatku
Kau adalah hadiah agung
Dari Tuhan

Seorang perempuan solehah yang akan jadi bidadariku, yang akan aku cintai sepenuh hati dalam hidup dan mati, yang akan aku harapkan jadi teman seperjuangan menyulam masa depan, dan meniti jalan Ilahi, itu siapa? Aku tak tahu. Ia masih berada dalam alam ghaib yang belum dibukakan oleh Tuhan untukku. Jika waktunya tiba semuanya akan terang. Hadiah agung dari Tuhan itu akan datang." ~ Fahri bin Abdullah.

Moga kau kan hadir, suatu saat nanti.. belahan jiwa yang akan mendampingi hidupku. insyaAllah. (: