Saturday, December 22, 2007

The Heart's Longing

"Oh dear.. they’re scheduled at night.."
Saddens me really when the search finally bears fruit, but only to find that the classes mostly start at 8pm, on the eastern side of Singapore. Adeih. Guess I’ll have to let them go – even though the heart is sooo intent on joining along. Lest I would risk coming home close to midnight after the return journey for a west-side resider like me. Hmm. Not quite appropriate for a sister ain’t it. Not to mention the safety issue if one’s alone too =|

But then again, it’s understandable why it may be arranged that way. To be more feasible for working adults could be one thing. So.. what’s best for majority insyaAllah I could still accept that fact; although I would have to try explore others that can nicely fit into my curfew time – to be home latest by 9 :D So keep on searching diy~ Hope I’ll find them!


Time and again I do wonder how it feels like to get to attend an Usrah once in a while. The thought of having a close-knitted group of sisters, bounded strong by one heartfelt purpose, to mutually support and be reminded of Allah, always. :) With much encouragement and caring words, with the sincere sisterly love that blooms throughout and definitely the insightful sharings.. subhanAllah! Wouldn’t That be a nice soul-filling session~

Because seriously, for a 9-to-5 poly life here followed by a daily essay assignment taking up till late night, it’ll not be long before a pang of yearning could soon hit one hard. For yours truly, that would be the momentary lapse of heartache, signaling a need for respite from all things tying me down. The worldly issues, the tiredness.. It just makes me longing for faith-enriching Islamic inputs all the more from madrasah days. =( And makes me think of the time I have in hand too…


Stunning beauty... An Islamic architecture mosaic by Monika N.

Ahaa here's a good news! There’s now a recently launched which truly could help seekers in the knowledge pursuit too. "A brainchild of three NUS undergraduates, it promises to deliver complete information only about Islamic events that's happening in Singapore, all in one portal." Comes complete with email notifications for those who subscribe to the free mailing list as well! Alhamdulillah. May Allah bless them well for the hard work they’ve put in. :)

Oh yes! Other alternatives could also include newfound audio recordings by Abu ‘Ammar ibn Ibrahim from some of the Asatizah I love listening to! Simply plug in to those mp3 players/handphones and you can learn on the go.. Includes those by Dr. Mohd Asri bin Zainul Abidin, Ustaz Hasrizal Abdul Jamil, Ustaz Maszlee Malik, Dr. Juanda Jaya and Ustaz Zahazan Mohamed. Best!~ ^_^

So should the chance to attend classes haven't come knocking yet, fret not aite? We could still fill up the time with whatever ways possible in the meanwhile insyaAllah.. *reminds self hehe* Have a blessed learning journey ahead! =)

"Seek knowledge, because seeking it for the sake of Allah is worship. And knowing it makes you more God-fearing; and searching for it is jihad, teaching it to those who do not know is charity, reviewing and learning it more is like tasbeeh..." [Fatawa Ibn Taymiyyah vol.10, p.39]

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