Sunday, April 20, 2008

Of remembering walidain

Photobucket“Syukur, dah besar anak-anak Ibu..” said the mother as she softly stroked our heads. We laughed looking over the pictures, flipping through the family album page by page. The varied hairstyles we had when we’re little - from the round soup bowl fringe look to those with a bundle of hair tied on top like a coconut tree :P, it makes one sees that life has its embarrassing moments but remembering (some of) them does bring back the fun and tickles too! (And never ever to repeat them again hehe) But it’s still a wonder personally looking at how small you once were, and how Allah helps you grow up from time to time, with your parents entrusted to raise and love the young souls that you were till now.. :)

But as we get older, it is noticeable how we start to get more involved with life outside home, as studies come rolling in and you yearn to feel “what lies beyond?” in the circle of activities and peers. And in the heat of youthful passion, zealously pursuing experiences and opportunities like there’s no moment to lose.. It pays to step out once in a while, and see how things could have affected the ones that really matter to us. Had we mistakenly been spending much insufficient time with them? Or what efforts have we taken today to make them happy inside? For truly, in the fruits of our success are we indebted to the favors & sacrifices given by others, as willed by Allah’s unceasing rahmah (mercy)..

This topic inevitably comes to mind when I was moved to tears last night from watching a video entitled “Anak Soleh” by Aiman (shown below). A much notable one it was, for how frequent do we get to witness sons sobbing hard in the arms of their similarly weeping fathers? Then there was this equally touching moment during a muhasabah camp (click here for the vid) where the facilitators actually brought in two figures wrapped in kain kafan and placed them right in the middle of the hall, which definitely succeeded in stirring the participants’ emotions of how would be it like if both their parents were to pass on, till it had one young man collapsed in grief..


I have to be constantly aware that there’ll come a time when I have to part from the ones I dearly love, and to wake up without being able to see them ever again in life. Despite that I’m sure there are really many many things that I’m going to miss, irreplaceable is the void, indescribable beyond words - their voices, Ibu’s warm and comforting hugs.. =’( And I’m actually afraid of having those precious thoughts slowly fading away, what more if they are simply lost without a trace.. because how long could our human memory be able to last? Or how much retention is it capable of holding inside?

I’ve thus had my mind set on compiling handwritten accounts of my family, much like preparing a special scrapbook filled with pictures and writings to help me recall the moments shared, insyaAllah.. such as remembering our usual practice, of having Ibu and Ayah always at the doorstep seeing us off when we leave the house and watch them waving till we’re far out of sight - It’s the deep feeling one gets from knowing their hopes and prayers to God for your well being, that accompany you throughout the journey with encouraging calmness.. Hope the remembrance will calm our longing hearts, and leaves much to be thankful for =) May all our parents be among Your beloved mukmineen under your protection, dear Allah..


~ Reported in Al-Adab al-Mufrad al-Bukhari (Muslim Morals and Manners) by Imam Bukhari


Very much recommended to watch =')

Teringat cerpen Moga Umpama Atturajjah karya Faisal Tehrani di dalam bukunya Kekasih Sam Po Bo (sedikit tukilan di bawah).. Moga kita lebih berhati-hati menjaga perasaan ibu ayah, jauh dari menjadi punca kesedihan di dalam hati mereka.. :)

“Ain, dalam Islam derhaka meliputi sampai enam perkara. Jika memandang ibu-bapa dengan jelingan marah sudah derhaka. Jika merasa diri lebih bijak dari ibu atau bapa sudah derhaka. Jika bodoh keras hati tidak mahu mencium tangan ibu-bapa sudah derhaka. Jika malu dengan ibu-bapa kerana bimbang memalukan di hadapan masyarakat dikira sudah derhaka. Andai tidak memenuhi keperluan ibu-bapa itu dihitung sudah derhaka. Bahkan berasa jemu, menengking dan menghina peribadi mereka dikira sudah derhaka. Ain, kau buat semuanya!

... Tak mengapalah kalau kau tak sukakan sahabatku Hanafiah yang cuba ku padankan denganmu itu. Dia sendiri sudah tawar hati denganmu. Memang dia pada mulanya terpesona denganmu. Ayumu itu lelaki mana tidak terpaut. Tetapi bangkai takkan dapat ditutup baunya dengan perenjis air mawar. Akan terbau juga busuknya. Busuk tingkahmu terapung. Dia sudah tawar hati. Kau tak perlu resahkan dia menginginimu lagi. Tambahan dia akan pulang segera ke negara asal bertemu jodoh dengan gadis solehah pilihan ibunya dan hidup bahagia.”

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