Thursday, April 10, 2008

Pilihan hati?

“Diy, why is it that all the good guys are always taken?” Aduih. Tersedak jap. Oooh so that’s why my friend was being all too quiet suddenly :D “Hmm.. what made you say so?” “It just seem that the ones I happened to like.. they would already have someone in mind..” I smiled, searching for the right words to say as this might be a bit touchy to begin with. And I’m no expert in these things, no doubt. >_<

“Well dear, I’m not certain of that happening all the time, but.. what I feel is perhaps those whom we might have regarded as good suitable companions for us may not necessarily be so in Allah’s eyes.. the one destined as your husband will be with you at just the right time, with the personality fitness (keserasian) blending well, God willing. If you do miss him, pray to Allah that he is well taken care of and safe in imaan, even though you might never have met him before.. :))” And to see her beaming soon after that was definitely a big relief for me. hehe.


It may not be often for some to think of such things, however at times when the surroundings don’t help at all it’s relieving to have like-minded girlfriends to remind and give that dash of support yea? :) Take Phantom of the Opera, for instance. Who wouldn’t be moved if someone were to say such saccharine sweet words, just like in its musical piece “All I Ask of You” sung by Cliff Richard and Sarah Brightham? But should we not be too careful it might lead off to false hopes instead and getting aimlessly miserable for nothing. -_-


But it's good to remember that Allah's assurances have long been there eternally, my dear. And never does Allah depart from His promises. :) "Kebersamaan Allah ini mengandungi makna bahawa Allah meliputi hambaNya yang dicintai, menolongnya, memberikan taufiq, menjaganya dari kebinasaan dan sebagainya."

(Dari at-Tanbiihaat al-Lathiifah oleh Syaikh 'Abdul 'Aziz bin 'Abdullah bin Baaz radhiyAllahu 'anhu.)


PhotobucketI still remember one instance in poly when I was a bit unhappy with my faulty earpieces which I had just bought two weeks back! And my team member Brant came, took one look at it and said “Alamak this one cheap stuff, of course la it break down easily!” Haha! Yeah I know, you cant expect too much from a $4 product :P Then it dawned upon me that this could also illustrate the point of a love that's purely authentic and long-lasting as compared to one which can easily crumble and steeped in the evil-inciting nafs.. Oh Allah, let our hearts learn to feel Your love, and help us learn to love You more day by day..

"Cinta murah ini bersifat sementara, sedangkan cinta yang mahal adalah yang bersifat kekal. Daging, urat dan kulit akan reput dan hancur, bersama luruhnya cinta yang bersandar padanya. Jika cinta sekadar dapat dicapai dengan pancaindera yang lima, maka itu belum cinta yang hakiki. Ia bukan diukur menurut pandangan mata kepala, tapi mengikut pandangan matahati. Cinta itu datang dari Allah dan diberi sebagai bekal untuk mendapat kecintaan Allah.."

~ Dipetik dari buku Tentang Cinta oleh Ustaz Pahrol Mohd Juoi.
Wajar dimiliki, elok direnungi! :)

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